Are TSA Scanner Radiation Levels Dangerous?


I am so proud of this video!

As the black sheep daughter of a radiologist (because what kind of a profession is TV Hosting anyway?!), I felt like this video was the culmination of my father-daughter relationship. I spent over an hour on the phone with my dad, who explained the ins-and-outs of radiation to me. He told me a lot of incredible information that didn’t make the cut – like did you know that milli, of millirems, comes from the Latin word for mile, because the length of a mile was supposedly the distance of 1,000 Roman soldier steps? #NerdAlert Now you know where it comes from.

This video took a ton of time to research and edit, but it was worth the wait, because it is filled with a ton of really cool- and valuable- information. Well, if you think science is cool, which, for the record, it is! My favorite factoid was learning that humans give off more radiation than a scanner! This is why I’m thankful a sleep alone.

If you feel inspired, check out the American Nuclear Society’s website to calculate how much radiation you get per year. I’m at 553 so far.

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